The great teachers of India have taught that simple living and high thinking leads to fulfilment and freedom.
— Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani

5th September 2019 on the auspicious occasion of Teacher’s Day, Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Pune organised an event for teachers of the Mission’s educational institutions.
The congregation of teachers initiated the event by offering salutations to the Great Masters- Gurudev Sadhu Vaswani and Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani at the Sacred Samadhi. The mantra of all ages, ‘asatoma satgamaya, tamasoma jyotirgamaya, mrityurma amrutamgamaya’ was chanted in a chorus rendering a Vedic melody to the atmosphere. Dada aarti was sung and the teacher’s group proceeded on to the Satsang Hall.
The event at the Satsang Hall began to soulful renditions of Mira bhajans by teachers of the Mira Institutions. The musical touched by the teacher’s stirring vocals instantly turned the bhajans divine!

As everyone was absorbed in the sanctity of it, came a rich and engaging address by Didi Krishna Kumari. At the outset, she congratulated St. Mira’s College on its achievement of being ranked amongst the 20 best colleges of India in 2019. She then traced back the legacy of Mira education, the seeds of which were sown by Gurudev Sadhu Vaswani who renounced his standing as one of the great freedom fighters and took up the cause of education. Speaking on the occasion, “Sadhu Vaswani was a unique visionary who transformed everything and everyone he touched. He realised politics will not make India new. His vision of New India was not an India that runs after material achievements, fleeting power, but an India which would be reckoned as a world leader. Opulence, power authority, he said would not make India new. But it was new education that would change its destiny. Stepping aside from politics, he plunged himself into education; an education that nourishes the head, the hand and the heart.”
She continued, “It is only true education that can change the world. This is the great opportunity that Sadhu Vaswani has placed before every one of you that of being creators, of being builders of this new brave world. The onus is much more on teachers today. Google can provide the best information and knowledge but it cannot give the personal touch, the understanding, the compassion which only a teacher can. Therefore said Sadhu Vaswani, the role of the teacher is crucial and multifaceted.” She concluded her address with a small story of an alumni of St. Mira’s School.

This was followed by a recorded English talk of Gurudev Sadhu Vaswani. He spoke of St. Mira and the founding ideals of the Mira educational institutions on a beautiful composition penned by her:
Learn ye of flowers and birds!
Learn ye of streams and the stars!
Learn ye of the village fold!
Learn ye of the poor and simple!
Learn ye of the little children!
—Mirabai (In the words of Gurudev Sadhu Vaswani)
Citing the poem, he spoke of how the Mira students are taught to build homes for home building he said, is nation-building. He also spoke of service of the poor and needy as the primary purpose of education and above all education strives to connect the student with the great truth, the worship of God and dedication one to ‘Life Divine’.
Gurudev’s address was followed by a recorded English talk of Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani. He spoke and appealed that before the teachers was a great task, that of building a New India, a truly strong and truly free. He said how India was walking on the path of imitation and all imitation was emasculation, was weakness. He invoked all the piteous condition of millions of men and children of India whom evade two full meals, shelter, education and medical aid. To serve them was the purpose of learning as a student. He further emphasised on the five ideals of education that the Mira Schools abide by:
Altruistic living
Love of the Indian ideal
Reverence for all life
Spiritual unfolding
Concluding his talk he called upon the teachers of the world to unite and work on the cause of nation-building.
Next was held a felicitation for retiring teachers and sevikas. All attending teachers were given a book and a souvenir to mark the occasion.