In connection with Sadhu Vaswani’s 139th birthday celebrations, the annual ‘Peace Rally’ organised by the Sadhu Vaswani Mission was held in the city of Pune on Thursday, 22nd November 2018 at the Sadhu Vaswani Mission grounds at 9AM.
About 3400 students gathered to join in the Peace Rally. These were from the participating schools and colleges that support the cause of going meatless on the 25th of November. The schools that took part included St. Helena’s School, A.W. Sindhu Vidya Bhawan, D.Y. Patil International School, G.K. Gurukul, Mother Theresa School, Poona College among many others along with the hosting schools St. Mira’s Primary & Secondary School and Sadhu Vaswani International School, Pradhikaran.
The students were engaged throughout the event with games, activities, performances and audio-visual presentations. All revolved around the ideology of Sadhu Vaswani who believed and lived the adage, ‘Reverence for All Life’.

A dance performance on the benefits of vegetarianism with cartoon character, Chota Bheem, Chutki and Krishna had the students rapt in attention. Renditions by Shashank Ombhase, especially, ‘hum sab ek hain’ had the students joining in enthusiastically.
The audio-visuals on the life and teachings of Sadhu Vaswani was another highlight of the occasion. This was followed by a short-film on the idea of ‘oneness of life and creation’; it was a truly moving and thought provoking feature presentation.
Finally, the much awaited segment, a recorded Questions and Answers Session with Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani was presented. It was insightful with Dada answering many doubts of students. His concluding message emphasised on living an uncorrupt, honest and truthful life.
The event ended with the students pledging to go meatless and revere every form of life.

“I pledge to go veg on the 25th of November. I will also convince my family to go meatless this 25th,” said Ananya from St. Helenas School.
Tulika a teacher from D. Y. Patil International School remarked, "We consider ourselves and the students fortunate to be a part of this noble Peace Rally. This is an awakening to the students concerning animal cruelty, animal rights and the idea of peace and reverence for all life. It is important that the students learn and adapt the message of love and compassion at an early age.”
Another inspiring incident was that of a school girl, who chose to be anonymous. She had asked Dada, the last year what she should do when she has the urge to eat meat. To which Dada had said that birds and animals are our brothers and sisters, how would you feel if one of your brother went out and never returned home. She said, that statement awakened something with her and although she had promised to give up meat for a year, she has still continued to be a vegetarian.

Did you know?
If India went vegetarian just for one day, 20 crore animals will be saved from the gallows of death. 20 crore animals will get to live. Is it not a reason enough, we go veg for a day? Live and let live.