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Writer's pictureSadhu Vaswani Mission

A September Story! In the hills of Khandala

A September Story! In the hills of Khandala 25th September 2021, Sadhu Vaswani Mission continues its seva efforts in serving the needy households in the remote villages of Khandala. Once every week, the volunteers from Pune set out with van loaded with ration to reach the remote adivasi tribals.

"These villagers are hutment dwellers and are living in abject conditions. The ration kits bring a huge relief to them. The adults, although they express their gratitude, it's the little ones and the senior citizens who are most expressive and their smiles reflect in ours," said a volunteer.

"It feels pitiable to watch women with infants in their arms coming to collect the kits or the senior citizens walk their way to us, but we are utterly grateful to Beloved Dada that we have been able to reach them," he added.

On this day, ration kits were distributed to 130 families and around 150 joy packets were given to little ones in the villages of Kumbhvali k wadi (31), Kharsundi k wadi (43), Niphan k wadi (56). A team of 11 volunteers, 5 from Pune and 6 from Pimpri conducted the seva.


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