A seva group headed by Didi Krishna set out on 5th of November 2019 morning in the sacred month, marking the 140th birthday of Revered Sadhu Vaswani. The first stop was Sadhu Vaswani Medical Center in Khandala.
The Medical Center provides facilities of:
General medicine Visiting Specialists X-ray ECG Physiotherapy Audiometry & Hearing Aids Eye Care - Surgeries - Optician Computerized Path Lab TB Eradication Programme Leprosy Eradication Programme Free mobile Dispensary for the service of poor villagers Village Children Deworming & Malnutrition Program.
The consultations at the Centre are only Rs.50 and medicines are provided for free. Most of the doctors travel from Pune everyday to serve at this little temple of healing in the hills.
The seva group then traveled into the interiors to the village of Karivilli. A sari was given to each woman & their faces lit up with joy. Towels, chiwda, water bottle, biscuits, banana and toys were distributed. "Their main challenge is clean drinking water," said the leading doctor as they contract mostly water-borne diseases.
The Khandala centre takes care of the medical needs of 22 villages with mobile clinic visits & free medicines.