On the blessed day of Ganesh Chaturthi, 13th September 2018, the consecration ceremony of Dada J.P. Vaswani’s samadhi was held. It started with kirtan session at 12 pm which continued for half-an-hour. Then the havan was lit by Krishna Kumari. At 12:30pm, the consecration of the sacred samadhi commenced with a pooja of the tools performed by the committee members. Devotees from different parts of the city joined in for the karseva. Long rows of men, women and kids of different age groups came to offer helping hands and be a part of this historic event. Even physically challenged devotees toiled together in building of their great saint’s shrine. The little children of Sadhu Vaswani Gurukul Classes also put in their cute acts of seva - little offerings that are very dear to the Lord, as the Master teaches us.
The seva continued from 10am to 6pm daily.
A great turnout of eager and devout sevaks had the major work completed in just 4 days! At the evening of 16th September, the nature too responded with a beautiful rainbow seen over the Mission as the last of them downed their tools. The major portion of karseva was completed on the 16th.
On 15th September, staff of all class levels of the Mission joined hands in karseva. Ms. Laxmi remarked, “We all start our day here at the Mission with the collective prayer session. And today, instead of prayer, we started with this karseva! And I realised how the vibrations of all of us doing seva is going into the sacred place where the Samadhi is being constructed.” A Class IV employee smiled,

“Everyone looks so happy today for a great start to the day with this karseva - that we were yearning to do.”
The work resumed on 18th September by the skilled craftsmen.17th September was Vishwakarma day, dedicated to the Divine Architect God, one who created the city of Dwarka that Sri Krishna ruled. The workers took a break as a mark of reverence. Yet there was one huge machine plying carefully into the earth at the Samadhi site - working in reverence to the One who has been the Divine Architect in our lives - Rev. Dada, who works without breaks, and answers our prayers all the time.
Sparse seva continued through the days where even St. Mira’s school students toiled in a labour of love for the Beloved Master. Said another volunteer, “I am so happy. Am so glad that I got the messages and could fly in from Kolkata!”It was a young mother’s birthday on the 19th and she wished to do karseva, not only for herself but for her newborn too.
This opportunity would not come along again, in building the Sacred Shrine of the Great Saint. The couple rushed from Sholapur. They had stones touched by the infant as they hauled away in seva.
Saturday, the 29th of September had a large turnout of volunteers converging from all over and abroad - including Rajkot, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Ulhasnagar, Lucknow, Chicago and Dubai. Said Gautam from Mumbai, “I have been trying to come since the karseva started, but I was unable to make it. Finally, Dada called me here today and I feel so grateful.” Prerna remarked, “Am so glad that I got the messages and could fly in from Kolkata!”

It also became an outing for families too with their young ones revelling in this outdoors activity of karseva. A 7-year child from Ahmedabad, Tamana, smiled, “This is my first visit to the Mission and I feel very happy to do the karseva.”
And a speechless volunteer, Sunita Dudia, from Jodhpur related her coming, “I saw the Mission’s update of the karseva of 17th Sept. when a rainbow had appeared across the sky at the Mission. That night I saw a dream with Dada in that rainbow. It is really a miracle, I have no words to express.”
The last days included finishing works including brick work, plaster, painting and cleaning which was completed by the skilled workers.
The Akhand Jyot was placed at the Samadhi on Thursday, 4th October.